Carnival & Candy Crush

The Carnival week has just started in most parts of Spain, and a lot of local traditions and curiosities take place, as we speak.
One, very special, festivity takes place in the village of Vilanova i la Geltru, called “Les Comparses” – “Candy War”.
This upcoming Sunday, more than 10.000 couples will dress up under the flag and colours of their associations, and will dance the streets to marching bands and carnival rhythms. They throw candies at rival associations and by-passers, in colourful assault, and end up on the Town Hall Square, where the Candy War will start at a signal. Everyone has to find the best way to protect themselves, while at the same time, throw candy at their rivals. There is one candy war for children and then the adults take their turn. By the end of the day, the streets of Vilanova, are the authentic scenery of Real Life Candy Crush, and will remain sticky for days afterwards.
Isn’t that a sweet tradition?