Feria de Sevilla

Between the 5 -12th of May, one of Seville’s biggest, yearly events takes place. The week-long celebration of La feria de Sevilla, has been marked in the calendars of the locals for a long time, and it’s soon time to dust off their flamenco dresses and hit the streets.
Every day, in the afternoon, the city’s streets fill up with horse carriages, kids and adults in traditional dresses, and tourists can come and take part in this unique event. During the afternoon and early evening, it is customary to spend time with family and friends, enjoy local exhibitions, ferris wheels and local dishes, such as Pescadito Frito (small, fried fish). In the evening, when the youngest part of society are tucked in their beds, the big party starts. In private tents sat up along Guadalquivir river, called Casetas, partying and dancing will continue until late hours.
We can help you to be a part of this magic event! Contact us for help with accommodation, transfer and tips!
Sevilla, here we come! Ole!