Harvest is ON!

As summer comes to an end, I’d like to tell you about a great happening currently going on in many regions of Spain. I’m referring to The Wine Harvest.
Several varieties of grapes are being harvested as we speak, to become tasteful wine for your next visit. Under normal circumstances, this would mean celebration of wine fairs and local festivities, but to keep social distancing, we’ll have to be patient and wait out all celebrations. Isn’t that a wonderful parallel, though? With wine it’s also a little bit like that; The longer you wait, the better it tastes!
Maybe we haven’t been able to travel as much this year, see different culture or taste other food and wine, but we have spent time with our families, visited nearby sites and we’ve gotten used to working from home. Not all too bad, really!
So, we’ll keep the good wine in storage until you can all come back and visit, and then we’ll all raise our glasses in a common toast; Cheers!