Feria de Sevilla

Between the 5 -12th of May, one of Seville’s biggest, yearly events takes place. The week-long celebration of La feria de Sevilla, has been marked in the calendars of the locals for a long time, and it’s soon time to dust off their flamenco dresses and hit the streets.

Every day, in the afternoon, the city’s streets fill up with horse carriages, kids and adults in traditional dresses, and tourists can come and take part in this unique event. During the afternoon and early evening, it is customary to spend time with family and friends, enjoy local exhibitions, ferris wheels and local dishes, such as Pescadito Frito (small, fried fish). In the evening, when the youngest part of society are tucked in their beds, the big party starts. In private tents sat up along Guadalquivir river, called Casetas, partying and dancing will continue until late hours.

We can help you to be a part of this magic event! Contact us for help with accommodation, transfer and tips!

Sevilla, here we come! Ole!

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Calçotada in Spring.

We recently posted on our Instagram, some pictures from one of this season’s Calçotada. This is a Catalan custom which takes place during spring, when the barbeque season begins. The “Calçot” is a vegetable that resembles a leek but taste more like a mild onion.

Calçots are grilled on an open flame, until they seem burned, then wrapped in newspaper and finally served on a terra cotta tile. This is a traditional appetizer, that can be quite messy to eat. First you peel off the burned part, then you dip in a delicious almond and tomato sauce and finally you eat the tender parts. In restaurants you often get a bib and a pair of gloves, to stay somewhat clean, but on a countryside barbeque, you better not wear your best clothes. After all the peeling and dipping, it’s time to dig in some grilled meat, often lamb chops and sausages accompanied with white beans.  Do you want to join us for the next Calçotada?

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GSM Barcelona

We are in the middle of Chinese New Year celebration. But did you know that the service sector, in Barcelona, also count the year different from the Roman calendar? The world’s largest exhibitions for the wireless industry, open their doors from the 25th until the 28th of February. Here they will present the latest news and innovations for more than 100.000 professionals and tech lovers, from over 200 countries across the globe.

The exhibition actually sets the date for when the season/year begins and ends for the tourist sector in Barcelona. We, quite literally, count the year from GSM to GSM. If a new hotel or restaurant is to open, it needs to be done before GSM, if refurbishing is on the agenda, it needs to be finished before GSM. More than 10,000 official taxis will work 24h to reduce the endless lines of people, at the airport – and trust us, it is almost impossible to find an available taxi in town during these dates!

Barcelona’s contract to host the event ends in 2023, but with the ever-increasing reliance to wireless technology, we hope they will continue to consider our city for many years to come. If not, we might have to go back to the old, boring calendar.

Happy (GSM) New Year!!!

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